2 Features Of A Healthy Home

19 July 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


Your home is supposed to be a haven, but sometimes, that isn't always the case. Dangerous gases can build up, and toxic building material can cause long-term harm. If you would like to better protect yourself and your family, check out these two features of a healthy home.

1. Detectors and Vents for Invisible Gases

There are two types of invisible and odorless gases that can get inside your home: carbon monoxide and radon. Carbon monoxide can come from a poorly functioning fireplace and/or broken gas appliances. It's the same gas released from your car's exhaust. Naturally, if exposed to this gas for even a short time, it can lead to illness and/or death.

Radon gas is given off when uranium decays. It is naturally found in the ground, and it frequently is released into the air in small amounts. These small amounts aren't harmful, but if the small amounts continue to build up in your home, it can lead to dangerous levels. If left untreated, radon exposure can drastically increase the risk of lung cancer.

Your best bet is to have detectors to monitor for carbon monoxide and radon. If one of the carbon monoxide testers goes off, get out of the house immediately. The radon tester is different and will show you the levels of radon, so you can monitor and control them. Vents in the attic and basement can also help radon gas escape.

2. Non-Toxic Building Materials

While asbestos and lead are no longer used, there are still some materials that may contain levels of dangerous materials. Standard drywall, for example, is made from a synthetic form of gypsum that contains heavy metals like mercury. Non-toxic drywall, however, uses real gypsum, which doesn't contain those dangerous heavy metals.

Many synthetic materials also contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These VOCs are found in synthetic plasters, caulk, and premixed joint compounds. When inhaled or ingested, VOCs can be dangerous and lead to both short-term and long-term health issues.

In most cases, the more natural and untreated the material, the less toxic it is for your home. In some instances, this can become an issue. For example, untreated wood is prone to rot and pests. You can reduce the risk of pests and rot without treating the wood if you choose pine or cedar, which resists rot and pest infestation.

Having a healthy home is a great way to protect you and your family. Even small amounts of toxins can cause major issues down the line, especially in people with breathing or allergy issues. If you would like to know more about healthy home building, or if you are ready to improve your home, contact a healthy home contractor in your area today.