Should You Replace Your Drafty Windows?

11 January 2024
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


Have you ever noticed that your home isn't as warm as it should be despite running the heating constantly? Or maybe you've felt a chill coming through your windows, even when they're closed? These are signs that your windows may be drafty and costing you money in energy bills. In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of replacing drafty windows and provide you with everything you need to know to make an informed decision.

What Makes Windows Drafty?

There are many reasons why windows become drafty over time. It could be that the seal between the window and its frame has become worn, allowing air to enter and escape. Or the glass itself may have become damaged or warped, causing gaps that allow air to leak through. Additionally, single-pane windows with aluminum frames are notorious for being drafty.

The Pros of Replacing Drafty Windows

One of the biggest advantages of replacing drafty windows is the energy savings that you'll enjoy. New windows are designed to be energy-efficient, with double-pane glass, low-emissivity coatings, and advanced framing materials that reduce heat loss. By upgrading to energy-efficient windows, you can potentially save hundreds of dollars per year on energy bills. Plus, new windows will reduce outdoor noise from traffic, nearby airports, barking dogs, and more.

The Cons of Replacing Drafty Windows

The biggest downside of replacing your windows is the cost. New windows can be expensive, especially if you have a larger home or want premium features like custom shapes or automatic blinds. Additionally, installing new windows requires professional installation, which can add to the overall cost. Another disadvantage is the time investment required for the installation. Depending on the number of windows you need to replace, it could take several days or even longer.

Alternative Solutions to Replacement

If you're not ready to commit to a full window replacement, there are some alternative solutions that can help improve your home's energy efficiency. One option is to apply weatherstripping around the window frame to fill gaps and prevent drafts. Another solution is to use window film, which can help reduce heat loss and improve insulation. However, these are only temporary fixes and won’t provide the same level of savings as energy-efficient window replacements.

In conclusion, drafty windows can be a major headache for homeowners, but there are solutions. Replacing drafty windows is the most energy-efficient and technically advanced solution to the problem. However, if your budget doesn't allow for a full replacement, there are other options available. By choosing the right solution for your home and budget, you can stop drafts and start saving on energy bills while enjoying a more comfortable home.

Contact a local company to learn more about window replacements.